Monday, April 26, 2010

My car lives

Crazy how time flies. It's almost been about a week since my car incident. Last Tuesday was apparently going too well, got into work early to leave early, sunny skies, and a really good workout. On my sunny drive home, only about 20 minutes away, my car began slowing to a stop on B299. This road is like a county road in the states, frequently used by those living in the area and connecting several towns.

I managed to coast to a small break in guardrail and a lady helped me push my car the rest of the way onto the small patch of asphalt. We spoke in bad German and hand signals. She asked if I needed more help, a phone to call with or a number. I was al little confused about the number part, but told her I was okay. I have ADAC, like AAA, and would call them.

Hoping to spend more time with Nate that night, I left work early. I told him I'd be home about 5:30, so I called him right away to tell him I was stranded and I'd be starting my calls to Peter, the guy who sold me the car, and then ADAC. Peter was off in the woods cutting down trees, so I needed to get ADAC to check the car and then tow it to his house. Great. So, I call ADAC. I tell the lady I'm on B299 between two cities, but she doesn’t understand. I'm doing this all in German, but she doesn’t know how I can be by Pfaffenhofen and on B299. There are of course 2 Pfaffenhofens in Germany, maybe more, so I tell her the direction of two other towns near me. She becomes frustrated and transfers me to another woman. The second woman was much more helpful. I told her where I was and the direction I was traveling. Someone will be on the way, and I’m a priority cuz I'm in a dangerous location. Great! Have someone there in 30-45 minutes, maybe, then bring the car to Peter's home by 7 or 8, right.

I waited by the road for about an hour and a half before the first guy came. Either there were a lot of emergencies, or priority means nothing, I think the later. He checks the car out, broken fuel pump. Need to be towed. Nice, I asked for a ADAC truck that could tow to start with, but of course, no luck. The guy calls ADAC, says a truck should come in 30 minutes, okay, not too bad. I'm only starving and been walking in the dirt with my nice work shoes on, pacing at the side of the road bored.

Thirty minutes go by and I get a call, the truck is leaving now, and where am I? What? Where am I? I explain where I am in German again, I think he gets it and he hangs up. Another 30 minutes and he arrives, as it's getting dark. First he checks out the car again, then paperwork. After about 20-30 minutes we get the car hooked up to put on the flatbed of the truck. I think I'll be home in an hour, I call Nate to tell him I'm on my way through town, to Peter's, then the guy will bring me home.

The guy's GPS doesn't know where Hardt is...? I tell him I know the way to drive there, the way I always take. If he doesn’t know where it is, that's all we've got. We get into Lupburg, head down the hill, to find the road is closed, nice. No detour signs, so I call Nate ad he calls his boss. It's already about 9pm now, maybe later. We drive around forever trying to get there, through farms, back roads, several U-turns. We get to Peter's and unload the car, yay. Almost home. He didn't want to go back the same way thinking there was a short cut, so we get lost again for a long time. Half the time he's on the phone with his boss arguing. It's mildly amusing, but I'm tired and don't care. We finally get to the autobahn to drive to Parsberg. I have to call Nate to get me from the gas station because it took so long to get back. It's 10:30.

Nate comes to pick me up and takes me home. I have two hockey puck burgers for dinner and go to bed. Nate isn't a bad cook, just made dinner for me when I thought I'd be home at least an hour earlier.

I got to pick up the car after work the next day. Nate rode into work with his boss, so I could take his car. It's all better now, so I hope it stays that way for a while. What a pain and extra long day.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Car troubles and a few photos from the morning

I'll let Dawn tell the whole story if she feels up to it later.  On her way home from work tonight, the fuel pump in her VW Golf went out, bringing her to a standstill on the side of B299.  She eventually was rescued by ADAC (Europe equivalent to AAA) and is now on her way out to her car dealer/mechanic to have the car dropped off to be fixed and then she'll be on her way home.  This will end up being a long day for her.  Up at 4:30 am, out the door at 5:45, work all day, then deal with this on the way home.  It's almost 9 pm now and she still probably won't be home for another half an hour.  I feel bad for her and wish there was some way that she didn't have to do that drive every day.  When something like this happens, it just adds to an already long day leaving little to no time for relaxation for her.  Thank God we've got an extra long weekend coming up in Vienna.  We both could use the time off.

I also got up early this morning to go shoot some pictures of the sunrise.  It was nice, but not as good as I was hoping.  I also wasn't able to stay long enough to get any good morning light on the castle.  I waited as long as possible, but eventually had to load the camera gear and an extra dirty dog in to the Toyota to get home and then get off to work.  Perhaps I'll try this again in the summer when the sun will be up earlier.  Here are a few pictures from the shoot this morning:

Osu having some fun with another dog that was out early with it's owner.  Cool dog and a nice owner who was pleasant to chat with.  They may look like they are fighting, but they were actually having a lot of fun playing.  This is how Osu got so darn dirty.  And to think, I just cleaned the RAV yesterday.....

You can see the rest of the photos on my Flickr page

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday at the Nürnberg Fruhlingsfest (Spring Festival)

Yesterday we left Parsberg fairly early, well, after a somewhat lazy morning, with the Nürnberg Fruhlingsfest as our destination.  It was sunny and warm and it definitely felt like Spring was in the air when we arrived at the parking lot for the fest.  Because these fests can get somewhat packed and somewhat crazy, especially on nice days, our plan was to get there right when it opened in order to avoid the crowds.  We didn't have much of a plan other than ambling around, checking out the sites and enjoying a little fest food for lunch - along with taking some pictures, of course. 

The festival grounds in Nürnberg are located adjacent to the NAZI documentation center, the only large structure left from Hitler's NAZI Rally Grounds, his dream for the center of the NAZI universe.  The history of the area is absolutely fascinating, especially when you come to realize the immense scope of Hitler's plans for the huge tracts of land in the area.  The area now is mainly a large park consisting of a few large lakes, the easyCredit Soccer Stadium, the Documentation Center Museum (a must see) and the Nürnberg Conference Center.  If you're interested in learning more, this is a great site with pictures from the past and present of the area:  I sat and went through these for an hour or so after we returned home yesterday.  Dawn and I have been to the Documentation Center museum but still have yet to explore, even after a few visits, the full scope of the park and grounds.  Click HERE for a google satellite view of the grounds.

We had a lot of fun yesterday but did return home early in the afternoon.  We were both beat from a long Saturday.  I should say all three of us, as Osu was quite tired himself.  I think he wore himself out at the festival trying to decipher the thousands of different smells emanating from the various food booths and tents.  His little legs just couldn't keep up with his nose which was constantly pointed at the ground, seeking out dropped pieces of pretzel or accidentally dropped chunks of bratwurst. 

Here are a few pictures from the day.



Sunday, April 18, 2010

On a Bench at the Castle

Just a couple of pictures from this past Friday evening.  It's too nice of a day for a longer post right now.  We need to get outside and take advantage of the sun - and soon!



Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cesky Krumlov Weekend

Well, it seems I have finally made it to the computer to do something other than frantically looking for plane tickets, hotels, and recipes. I was supposed to write about our trip to Cesky Krumlov about a week ago, but it somehow slipped through the cracks. So, now that it's 4:30 in the morning and I'm making breakfast for my friend Sarah's birthday today, I thought I'd take time while the dough is rising.

Nate and I have been trying to go to new places, as Germany has become a bit stangent for us. We've been to many places, but are a little sick of the same ol' thing. I was gone to Schweinfurt for work, so Nate and I were trying to find somewhere to go over the phone. Nate told me near the end of the week he had found a cool place to go and what to pack. All I knew is that we were going about 3 hours away. I made a few guesses, non of which were right, as I'd never heard of this place before. Cesky Krumlov. I was helping with the directions when we got nearer, but there was no way to pronounce that name if you can't read Czech or haven't heard it before.

We arrived into a cool Medievil walled city. Of course there was a detour, like Minnesota, there are only so many months to do road construction. The lady from the hotel came to pick us up and take us to the hotel, as this town does not let cars in the city center. We pulled almost right up to the castle and walked down just a few stairs to our hotel.

Our hotel was just below the castle, and you could see the tower from our door. The room we had was huge, with lots of space, a table, and Osu enjoyed the little couch that was in the corner which he claimed for his bed.

We got the camera gear all ready and headed out to walk the town. It was great! Just down the steps we found a Czech version of mini donuts, a cinnamin and sugar covered dough wrapped around a wooden dowel to bake in an oven. They spin bake, then get tapped a couple times to fall into your napkin to pull and eat on the go. Yummy.

Down the street was the bridge that opened up to the river and a full view of the castle. We stopped here to tale many pictures, as did many other tourists. It was great heading through all the tiny streets, some with very few people, others heavliy traveled. We made our way into the square and found a little market and some guy making fresh potato chips. We decided to try some, since we typically don't eat out much or eat chips. They were HUGE! It was almost like half a bag of chips from the store. We did not eat them all, not even half, but a few were good. Osu was kept far from them, as oil makes him sick and he had already eaten some lost soldierson the ground which made him throw up in front of a bag stand I was looking at. And of course, you have to pick that up too. I bet Nate was glad he went to get the chips.

We continued wandering the town to find different corners and cool photo spots. The castle ended up being last on our list, since it was up on the hill near the hotel. We walked up to the bears in the moat area and only saw a cat. We figured he was dinner and walked the castle for the view from the bridge. It was nice walking through at the end of the day, most tourists had left by then and gone back to Prage or where ever they traveled from for the day. On the way out we saw the two bears, in seemlying seperate cages in the moat below--and the cat was gone. We headed back to our hotel to drop off Osu and head out for dinner.

Dinner was at a place not far from our hotel. We wandered around a little before settling at a place that had a patio haging over the river. It was quiet and nice. The protions were pretty big and it was so cheap. Nate had a rissoto and I had veal, it was good! We packed up some veggies that were left from our plates and headed back to the room to give Osu a treat and head back out for night pictures. We went back to many of the same places as we did throughout the day, with a lot fewer people. I also had a hot chocolate that was thick as pudding. How can you go wrong?

Up early the next morning, Nate and I were out by 7 to wander for morning light shots before breakfast. If you couldn't tell already, the town is small. We walked the whole thing again that morning before breakfast at 8. Shortly after breakfast we headed home, Nate's back was hurting pretty good.

It was a great weekend! Great surprise. And now we have a new place we'd definately take visitors to see. We're actually heading back in about two weeks with some friends. This time we'll take a little more time to relax and enjoy the time.

Now, time to get ready for work with the monkey bread rises. It's all rolled in the cinnamon and sugar now, almost time for hot gooey yummy!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Our weekend in Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic

I really can't type all that well right now, so Dawn will finally have to make another post.  Here are a couple of pictures in the meantime.

The first two are where we stayed Saturday night.  The rest are scenics of the town.  All of the pictures can be found on my Flickr Site also.


Friday, April 2, 2010

Back to the Czech Republic

When foreign becomes familiar, the abnormal becomes normal and the exciting becomes mundane, you often have to push a little farther or take the path least traveled to make things exciting again.  This is not necessarily a bad thing.  I realized on Thursday, while trying to think of somewhere to go this weekend for a short trip, that the area where Dawn and I live has become a bit stagnant to us.  Trips to Nurnberg and Regensburg have become routine, we've thouroughly checked out our surrounding area, have visited many of the quaint villages contained in the region where we live, and have done most of the things normally targetted at visitors. 

After sitting and trying to think of something unique to do over this weekend, I remembered a webpage that I had stumbled across a year or two ago describing a medeival village in the Czech Republic.  The village, Cesky Krumlov, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and just a little over three hours from the house.  I figured it was finally time to go and check this place out. 

It's been EXACTLY one year since I was last in the Czech Republic and I think most of you know how that turned out.  Over the past year, I don't know how many people have asked me, "Will you ever go back to Czech or Prague?"  I always answered them, "sure, why not?"  Well, here we go.  I'm really looking forward to the trip, especially since Dawn has no idea where we are going.  I don't keep this information from her for her benefit or to not worry her, I just want to keep the destination a surprise because I do think she will love it.  We're both pretty easy-going and knew that we'd have no problem going back to the Czech Republic when the time came.  It would be silly to think otherwise.

We'll have a full report when we return.  Frohe Oster! (Happy Easter)