Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Week 23 - Rockin' and a Rollin'

Tonight I felt the first good kick and roll from the babies.  It was pretty cool!  Dawn has been feeling the action for a few weeks now, but this was the first time that I was able to really feel a kick with some oomph behind it.  Exciting stuff!

Well, we finally have decided on the names for the girls.  They are Névé and Siena.  I know there probably will be some questions about the pronunciation of the first one - and how to type it!  Here is an audio pronunciation from Merriam-Webster.  As far as typing the é character, just hold down the ALT key and type 130.  Dawn kept busy yesterday painting the names for the baby room.

Here are the belly pictures from today (click picture to enlarge):


Dawn and Osu having a laugh

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Week 22 Pictures - A Day Early

Because of a work trip, we had to take the belly picture early this week.  To us, there has been noticeable growth.  Dawn seems to be feeling a lot more movement from inside, although we haven't felt any kicks on the outside yet.

This pregnancy has taught me more than I ever thought it would.  For instance, yesterday Dawn and I were at the Real grocery store (pronounced REE - al)  picking up a few things.  One of those things was bacon.  As usual, I asked for the Bauspeck.  The lady behind the counter repeated my order back to me and I realized I had been saying the name of the type of bacon we usually order incorrectly.  It's not Bau - speck, which I figured meant 'farmers bacon'.  Made sense to me.  However, what I was supposed to be saying was Bauch - speck, meaning 'belly bacon'.  Once upon a time, I knew that Bauch meant belly.  I guess I had forgotten that over the years.  It wasn't until we were looking for maternity clothes in Weiden that I was re-introduced to the word Bauch, which you will often see in baby sections of department stores and maternity stores.  So, thanks to this pregnancy, my German vocabulary has expanded by one more word and I now can say Beerbelly in German; Bierbauch.