Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ultrasounds from the Winter Solstice

Dawn will be along to annotate these later.  I just wanted to get it posted up - even if a few days late!  Click to see larger size.

The first picture is Siena's profile. The second is the front view of Névé's face. You can see her giant lips vertical in the middle and a big nose to the right and then eye sockets. The third is Névé's profile with her hand on her forehead.

PS - this was the first scan using the new scanner from Ma and Pa Will.  Thank you!

*** Two more pictures that I might as well add in here.  Dawn and the girls in that classic, "hands make a heart over the belly" preggers pose.  It had to be done.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Night Before Christmas - UPPO style

‘Twas the night before Christmas, in the old German house,
Nothing was moving, not even Osu while he dreamt of chasing Alaskan grouse;
The ugly ‘made in China’ stockings weren’t dangled with any particular care,
For the crumbly German walls were too weak the weight to bear;
The babies, they were nestled all snug in mommy’s womb,
While sounds of Christmastime bounced ‘round their darkened room;
And momma in her muumuu, and I in my back brace,
Had just plopped down, thankful for the day’s slowing pace,
When out on the street did we hear such a sound, 
I eased up out of bed so I could take a look around;
Up to the window I stumbled over a bump,
Stubbed my darn toe while tripping over Osu’s body lump.
The moon, partially hidden behind dark clouds dropping wet snow,
For this was Germany, land of weather expectations that are incredibly low;
When, what to my glazed-over eyes did appear,
But a sausage-shaped sleigh being led by eight flying beers!
With a toasty-looking driver, his accent so thick,
I figured it out, it was that jolly old German, the flying Herr Dick.
Faster than the fall of Poland, his courses they came,
And he belched and he bellowed and called them by their Catholic-given name;
“Now Helmut! Now Dolf! Now Heinie! Now Fritz!  
On Gretel! On Uta! On Hildegard! On Frau Giggleschnitz!
To the top of the Zugspitze, to the top of the Berlin Wall,
Macht Schnell! Macht Schnell!
Vee must get beer to all!
As dry hops that before the Alps Autumn Föhn fly,
When they meet with a rock wall, turn elsewhere and say goodbye;
So up to the house these stupid beers flew,
Towing a ridiculous sausage straddled by Herr Dick in a leather Christmas tutu.
And then, a bit of tinkling, I did hear above my head,
Was it the breaking of a beer glass or Herr Dick peeing instead?;
As I moved from the window and was spinning around,
Through the ceiling came Herr Dick, having put on some pounds.
He was dressed in an FC Bayern Kit from his shoulders to his feet,
Another blowhard football fan, oh boy, what a treat;
A crate of Augustiner he held under each arm,
In his left hand a bottle opener shaped like German football legend Olli Kahn.
His eyes -- how they were bloodshot!  His breath, oh so scary!
Smelling like strong egg nog, his nose redder than a Maraschino Cherry!
His toothless tiny mouth was all puckered up like an O,
the beard on his chin still containing frozen vomit mixed with snow.
The end of a bratwurst still stuck in his matted hair,
bright yellow mustard dripping to his shoulder, on to my antique chair.
He had a pudgy face and a gigantic beer belly,
That moved like wobbly head cheese at the local corner deli.
He was smelly and dirty, but still a happy ‘ol Mensch,
And I couldn’t help but chuckle, then gag, after smelling his stench.
A grab of his crotch and a creepy long leer,
Told me that this Herr Dick had had one too many beers.
He uttered not a word, but got straight to the task,
Filled all the oaken kegs and empty bottles, then he turned way too fast;
And now finding himself down on the cold hardwood floor,
He got to his knees and slowly scooted towards the front door.
Hailing his team with a burp and a fart,
He and the sausage-shaped sleigh pulled by flying beer mugs did depart
But I heard him slur as the sausage twisted out of sight,
“Beery ChristMaß to all, and I really doubt that I’ll remember much from this night!”

Monday, December 19, 2011

Week 33

We are now in the middle of week 33, and I waited to do this week’s post until after our doctor appt. The girls are now 4 and 4.4lbs and still head down. I was surprised they gained about 2lbs each in the last month, but this is the time to gain all their weight. Hopefully in the next month they will gain another 2lbs each and be all ready for their début.

The girls had their first heart monitoring today and did okay. Névé kept kicking the monitor, as she didn’t like it pressing on her, and Siena rolled over and kept setting the alarm off on the machine. They are both fine, but we needed to stay longer to get more constant heart beats.

So far I have gained 30lbs, 5 have probably been in the last week. I still have a lot of energy, but require a little more sleep now. The girls get sleepy around 9 in the evening and sometimes like to sleep in until about 6. We now require pre-dinner again, but still feel great and continue going to the gym.

Tying my shoes has become a little more difficult, but I can still get them on my feet. I can still see my feet if pull my belly back. As long as I can keep moving along at about the same pace, we should be good.

Now for Christmas in the next couple days. The cards are late and few this year as we have been busy getting ready. Merry Christmas!


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Indoor Garden

Here is a picture of our winter garden showing most of what we are growing indoors right now.  Click on the picture to take you to an interactive photo where you can get information on each area of the garden.  The only thing this doesn't cover is the small herb garden we have that is to the left, out of the picture.

The Indoor Winter Garden

Here is a closeup of the Pink Lady Apple Tree we have growing.  One day, while eating a Pink Lady Apple, I took a bite and found an already sprouted seed.  I had some extra soil and an extra pot, so I planted it and this is the result so far.  We've been surprised at how well it's actually done!

The Cucumber vines are growing great.  We have to move them each day to make sure they grab on to the right things!

Our little tomatoes.  These are the same heirlooms we grew this summer - and they are good!  Looking forward to these getting bigger.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Week 32- Counting down

This beginning of week 32 and things are still going pretty smoothly. Unfortunately, I finally have more pregnancy symptoms that I should or could have had sooner. I guess I should be happy I have had energy for so long. As we are getting down to the last 6-8 weeks I have become tired about 9pm. This is pretty good, and I hope it lasts a while, so I can still get a few things done after work.

I have to say the worse part is that heartburn has finally found me. Most days are pretty normal with little or none, but the last few have me eating Tums like after dinner mints. On the plus side, I kind of like them...then again that might not be a plus.

For a real plus side, I am still working out and doing Crossfit three times a week. I hope to keep my arm strength, and maybe be able to do unassisted pull-ups when I return a few babies lighter. I kept up with the boys for a good workout on Monday and maybe even scared them a bit.

The baby clothes are all washed now and we are just waiting on a few last things to show up. The car seats will be coming out soon, so we can figure out how they work. It looks easy until you try to remove the seat from the base at the store and look like an idiot because you can't find the magic button.

As for Nate, he had a shot of ozone put into his disc last week. Hopefully, it will start doing it's job more each day. As of now, Nate says he feels 10% better, which I'll take over worse. We'll let you know more as that continues to do its thing.

And now it's bed time for me...

Giant Dawn or Tiny Door?
The three of them are always in the kitchen looking for food.....

Dawn's "WTH are you doing Osu?" look

Getting Osu's attention

Monday, December 5, 2011

Week 31 - Like Baby Squashes

Things have been busy around our house lately. We aren't just getting ready for the babies this week, but preparing for Nate's next step with his back and his new Mac laptop.

An update with Nate's back procedure... not surgery. He will be going in this week for an injection into the disk to help regenerate and heal the disk. This came after many visits and meetings with the doctors, but should be all he needs to start healing his back. We are looking forward to less and less back pain and more mobility.

Nate has decided to make the move to Mac for his new computer. This came just in time, as his Dell has been on its deathbed. Having a laptop has come in very handy for being able to work while unable to sit at his desk for long periods of time.

On the baby front, we have been feeling very well. The girls have been moving around more and more. My belly takes one a few different shapes and gets large lumps off the sides. It is pretty amusing, they keep us laughing. They are supposed to be the size of squash this week, so somewhere around 2.5lbs each.

We have been washing the clothes now and putting the last things away. I am working on a blanket that will go on the floor under their play fence. I am not embarrassed to say our kids will be in a fence, or the 'baby cage,' as I like to call it.

We'll post the new pictures as soon as Nate's Photoshop for the Mac comes in.  *Nate decided he didn't want to wait for Photoshop.  Adobe is taking way too long to get it here.

Taking our Christmas Photo

Osu and Dawn in front of the Christmas Tree

Week 30

Finally - pictures!  Sorry it took so long.  This was right in the middle of me switching computers.

Dawn in her sailor blouse in front of the Christmas tree

I'm not quite sure what's going on here.....