Friday evening: Dawn and I drove up to our friend Judy's house about an hour north of us for a wine tasting party. I had reservations about this since I really don't drink nor enjoy wine, but, I was pleasantly surprised and actually had a great time. It isn't often that we get to hang out with our ski buddies outside of the ski season and it was great seeing everyone again. The party was actually a lot more organized than I originally thought it would be. Judy actually had a guy come over with a number of different wines and everyone got to sample each one. The guy was a German and he was kind of an arrogant douchebag but we had a good time messing with him, taking advantage of his lack of full understanding of the English language. We did get to sample some tasty wines, however, and even ended up buying a couple of cases. We bought one crate of your basic every day table wine and then a case of red ice wine which is extremely rare and can cost upwards of 1000 dollars a bottle in the US. So, after spending 300 Euros on wine, eating some wonderful food and hanging out with some good friends, we headed home, happy we made the trip up.

Sunday: We woke up fairly early on Sunday morning and were pleasantly surprised to find that the weather had cleared leaving a deep blue, cloudless sky. A nice change from the dreariness of the previo
us day. I usually try to get up early on Sunday's anyway. The only TV show that I really make an effort to watch is on at 8am; Anthony Bourdaine's "No Reservations". Basically, it's a cooking and travel show and I can't get enough of it. After watching this, Dawn left to do some grocery shopping on post while I lounged around and did......nothing. It was nice. Dawn got home around noon and had a particularly strong desire to eat some ice cream. Hey, it was gorgeous out so why not take a walk and get some ice cream, even if the morning had only ended 10 minutes earlier? It turned
out that a lot of others had the same idea and the new ice cream parlor in downtown Parsberg was quite hopping. After Dawn got her ice cream, we continued on and found ourselves down at the train station (left). I then asked Dawn if she wanted to walk down to the Hammermuhle Valley where a picturesque creek can be found, something that would make Osu very happy. I'd actually never been down to the area before but Dawn and Osu had run through there on a few occasions. I was pleasantly surprised at what I found and definitely plan on returning very soon, probably by bike. So, our short walk to the ice cream parlor ended up turning in to a 2.5 hour walk and hike which was very enjoyable. I needed something like this to get my walking legs back as it had been some time since I'd done anything strenuous due to the broken jaw. A nice warm up for some hikes we plan on doing very soon in the Bavarian Alps. (For some reason, the blog software won't put the darn space in here. Must keep reminding myself, it's free, it's free, it's free.....)

I took a few pictures today and have posted them to my Flickr site if you'd like to check them out. Anyway, the weekend was nice and relaxing, something we all needed. We plan on being away for at least the next three weekends so some time spent at home was welcome. This coming Friday we leave for Dublin and are very excited about that! I'll have a trip report soon after we come back...... Cheers!

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