Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Snow, Snow and more Snow...............

We woke up this morning to an unexpected six or seven inches of new, unforecasted snow.  It took me about an hour to clear the driveway and the street in front of the driveway before I left for work.  We did have a two hour delay this morning which means, me being a contractor who works for a company who could give a rat's ass about employee safety, could either take two hours of vacation and drive in after the roads were cleared or I could brave the country roads and idiotic German drivers in order to preserve what paltry amounts of time off I receive.  I chose option two and drove in at the prescribed starting time. 

Tonight, we are supposed to get hit with another round of snow and wind and what the Gemran forecasters are calling a blizzard.  I'll believe it when I see it.  I'm sure it will snow as I can see that on the RADAR.  Will it get as bad as the weather sites are saying?  Who knows.  I think all German meteorologists went to school in Los Angeles, learning from the best how to hype a tenth of an inch of rain and make the public believe the next Biblical flood was immenent.

Yes, this country has been getting on my nerves the last couple of days.  Germans freaking baffle me.  They portray an outer character of toughness and resilience and then whine and cry about going home early because a couple of white flakes are flittering down from the sky (seriously, worthelss lazy bastards).  Then, they get on the roads, tailgating, driving aggressively and overly aggorantly and generally acting like a sixteen year old American teen with a new license and a shiny new muscle car.  Hey, that's fine and dandy if the roads weren't covered with snow and ice and if I already weren't going the damn speed limit.  Back the F off, Fritz!  And, it's illegal to flip these A-holes off.  They actually are offended by a middle finger and will report you to the police for using it but are just fine with 80 year old Frau Schnitzel riding two centimeters from their back bumper while driving on a sheet of ice.  Makes sense to me!

Yeah, anyway............ her's a little photo montage of the snow today.  I'll add more if and when any new snow does fall.  At least I like the snow.  It keeps the Germans inside clapping along to their favorite TV shows of 1970s classic folk songs lead by some idiotic looking douche in lederhosen.

10:00PM Update.  Okay, a walk in the snow with Dawn and Osu helped calm me down a bit.  What a crappy start to the week.  I guess it can only get better.  Here's the latest update on the snow.  It's started out coming down pretty good and there is some bigger stuff headed our way.  Graf is on a two hour delay already for tomorrow.  Where I work is still saying things will run normally tomorrow.  If the past gives any indication of future actions, this means they'll institute a delay or close post AFTER eveyone has already shown up.  Working with the Army AND Germans sometimes is a bit too much even for the most patient among us..........

Here are two pictures I took tonight of the Parsberg Castle from a different vantage point in town.  They came out okay, but what you can't see is the blowing snow in these long exposures.  It made the pictures softer than I would have liked.  We'll have to give this a go again when the weather clears up.  I've never taken any good shots up there during the day.  With snow, it might look nice.  Bigger versions are on my Flickr page.

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