Monday, August 29, 2011

29 Aug 2011 - Girls!

Today we found out the sexes of the twins!  We knew that whatever they turned out to be, we would be happy either way.  Now, we can start whittling down name choices and decide what we are going to call these two.  We have a couple of favorites in mind, but I'll wait to share that information when we are 100% sure.  We did get a couple of new ultrasounds today.  The babies are getting noticeably bigger now!  It was fun watching them move around, kick each other in the head, and kick Dawn's belly.  They are definitely active little girls!

Just like her mom, this one is a thumb sucker too!  ;)

Big Head Baby Inside the Monster

Since Dawn began showing, we've been taking a weekly picture of her belly's growth.   Oops!  I was going to post those now, but they aren't quite ready yet.  I still have to do a bit of sorting and processing on them (still in RAW format).  I will get those up soon, though!

One last thought - please keep the pink for the girls to a bare minimum!  I don't know if I can deal with too much of it!  Thanks! :D

1 comment:

  1. I thought it looked like the thumb sucker was wiping snot from her nose. The doctor doesn't quite get our humor.
