I remember our sunny day very fondly from two years ago. The rain finally broke, friends and family travelled to see us, and a little mutt with a bow tie. Who would have thought we would have gotten married in a castle? I know it was never in my plan, but what a lucky dream wedding.
I’d have to say my favorite part was looking down the aisle at Nate and knowing that I was so lucky to have found him and we’d be very happy. We had spent many years laughing together at the office, another year or so travelling and doing fun things, and now we’d get to look forward together at a new life and more adventures. I knew there was something special about him the first day we met at work, but never expected anything like we’ve found together.
Last year, we were lucky to be able to have an almost first anniversary with more friends and family in the states for our long waited reception. It was great to see everyone and be able to share a wonderful day visiting and dancing.
This year is rainy, but definitely not in spirit. Once again, we have friends and family to share the day with us. We are looking forward to our two little ones joining us in the new year and their kicks getting strong enough for Nate to feel them too.
We start week 20 today. We’re halfway if we make it all 40 weeks, but just over if we are two weeks early as expected. The babies are about 6.5 inches each and weigh about 10 ounces. My tracker says to think of them as a cantaloupe this week, but I don’t look two cantaloupes in size. I think the belly is more like half a basketball. Nate should be taking my picture tonight to add to the blog.
Ahh, the memories...
ahhh, you're going to make me cry :) I love you!