We are now counting down the DAYS until our little girls arrive. Monday, January 30th is the day they will be induced if they do not come sooner. I hope they wait, just to give us a few more days to get ready. One more vacuum of the house, a little more laundry, maybe another small project as well.
There isn't much new news as of today. I have another appointment for the girls tomorrow, so we'll see what the doctor says then.
As for now, I need to go to bed, and hopefully we have a new weekly picture of me to upload soon. We will post a before and after I'm sure.
The German winter is continuing to disappoint this year. It’s raining today and melting our almost dusting of snow. So much for having winter babies. I was all set to have them wrapped up in fuzzy winter snowsuits, but it seems more like they will need ponchos and rain boots.
We’re halfway through week 37 now and everything still seems pretty normal. I am no longer working, but still doing a bit of my workout routine. I feel stopping that part will really throw my body off, and he girls seem to really enjoy the bouncing around.
We had our doctor visit today and the girls are doing great. They are weighing in around 5.5 and 6 pounds as calculated by the ultrasound machine. Siena was licking Névé’s foot in the ultrasound, so that show how close they really are. My doctor even laughed when I said I was still going to the gym.
And in other news, it looks like they will be here in the next week and a half, as my doctor doesn’t want them to hang out past 38 completed weeks. So, on January 30th I will be induced if the girls have not made an appearance yet.
What's more fun than wet snow, a pregnant woman, and a dog? That's right, not much! Especially when it's a woman pregnant with twins racing a dog down a long driveway while wet snow falls from the gray, dreary, miserable German sky! A few pictures that we had fun taking this past weekend. So, I just stood there pushing a button while Dawn and Osu did all the work - and it was fun to watch :) .....
Well, 35 weeks have now come and gone. My doctor still expects the girls by the end of the month, and they are full-term twins after this week and full-term (singles) after next. They are still putting on weight, about a ½ lb a week each, and having a merry time dancing and kicking in the evening.
I was given a doctor note last week to stop working, as he thinks I could go into labor anytime now, which I guess is partly true. I had planned to work through this week, but an extra few days would be good to finish up some things around the house, just in case they do come any day now. I still hope to sneak off to the gym this week, as I had a few really nice workouts last week. If not, I have our home gym too. That is right; I haven’t quit working out yet. The girls seem to like it and I continue to be impressed with what I can still do. Anyone else know a woman doing pull-ups at 36 weeks? I’m only a minute or two behind the guys in my class and beat some women.
On a not as fun note, I am now rocking some really tight compression socks. Tight as in put-me –into- labor as I try to pull them on tight. I would like to not wear them, but the twins have decided to give me cankles. I really shouldn’t complain, as these are just about the only pregnancy type symptoms I’ve had. I’m still quite mobile and full of energy. I hope with my time off now I can finish up the projects I didn’t want to do at night after work. Look out blanket and pile of diaper packages, here I come!
Happy New Year! We somehow made to midnight, all 5 of us, and now into week 35. The girls are feeling more cramped these days, as they are moving quite a bit and stretching. They should be the size of honeydews and somewhere around 5 pounds. Plus, both girls have had the hiccups now, although Névé gets them almost every day.
As for me, I have a little less energy, but am still doing pretty well. My feet have finally, and unfortunately, become puffy. Oh, and I waddle. But, the fun part is that I can still workout and almost have no trouble putting my socks and shoes on.
I am down to having two weeks left of work and then will be off until April. We can hardly wait for the girls to get here and get no sleep. The good news is that all their stuff is put together, we know how to use the car seats and strollers and my bag is half packed. Couple more weeks to go…
The entire Belly Photo Collection can be found here: