We’re halfway through week 37 now and everything still seems pretty normal. I am no longer working, but still doing a bit of my workout routine. I feel stopping that part will really throw my body off, and he girls seem to really enjoy the bouncing around.
We had our doctor visit today and the girls are doing great. They are weighing in around 5.5 and 6 pounds as calculated by the ultrasound machine. Siena was licking Névé’s foot in the ultrasound, so that show how close they really are. My doctor even laughed when I said I was still going to the gym.
And in other news, it looks like they will be here in the next week and a half, as my doctor doesn’t want them to hang out past 38 completed weeks. So, on January 30th I will be induced if the girls have not made an appearance yet.
Hanging out in the nursery
Osu saying hello
See the foot lick
OH MY GOSH!! You'll have to be sure and show this to the girls when they're older!