Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's time to revisit the world of blogging

It's been some time since we've last logged in to this blog.  It's not that we haven't had anything to share, it's just that we've been pretty busy with other projects and other things.  However, we now have some news that is too important and too exciting to keep to ourselves:

We are expecting!  Dawn is pregnant!! - with twins!!!

Currently we are in the middle of week 12.  Except for some food aversions and a slight drop in energy levels, Dawn is doing great.  We are both having fun reading up on what to expect, going through baby names, looking for strollers and other baby products for twins.  One thing is certain, however - our lives will be changing dramatically come next February, and we couldn't be happier!

We'll use this blog to post the latest updates, ultrasounds, belly pictures, and any other news we may have.  Without further ado, let me introduce you to the twins Atwood:

For fun, here is the first picture of the babies on the 20th of June:

As you can see, they've grown quite a bit in the past month!

As I stated earlier, we are still in the deliberation stage regarding names.  Of course, it's still too early to know the sex of the babies, so we're trying to come up with name pairs for 2 girls, 2 boys, and one of each.  Suggestions are welcome!  Please post them in the comment section!

Until next time,

PS - I'll be changing the banner picture soon.