Monday, June 25, 2012


It’s another sunny day in our neighborhood, following rain. The garden is doing well and the girls are growing just as fast.

062312 - The Girls getting their sun
We were in the doctor last about a week and a half ago for Nate, but weighted the girls while in the room. On June 15th, Névé weighted 15lbs and 1 oz, and Siena weighted 16lbs and 14oz. You can tell the difference when you pick each girl up, but it feels like a 5lbs difference.
They are both very active, Névé still kicking a lot, standing with help and now doing a winging thing with her arms. She also now hits her belly like an angry gorilla, just missing Naomi Watts.  Siena likes to stand, bounce and blow bubbles. Plus, Siena is a rolling machine.
062412 - Dinnertime for the girls
In other exciting news, we have started Infant Potty Training. They are now in week three and are doing really well. We started the girls at about 4.5 months and were impressed at how well it worked on the first day. Siena gives us several signals and even yells if we aren’t paying attention. She can even wait a little bit too, quite impressive. Névé, on the other hand, gives a sign occasionally. We have to watch when she eats to offer her times to go. She can be pretty good during the day. This has saved us many diapers, which is big pay back, plus they learn it’s good to go.
On Saturday, we also decided to offer the girls real food to taste and feel. We fed them a little sweet potato and let them explore. It was a messy good time and bathes were had by both girls. Siena is ready for some real food, but Névé isn’t quite ready. They both take some food and put into their mouths, mostly Siena. With a little more practice they’ll figure it out. For now, just practicing while we eat is good. They are learning the ASL signs for eating, so maybe one day they will tell us they are hungry instead of the hungry cry.
Well, I think that’s most of our recent updates. The girls go in for their six month check up at the end of July. And we are all looking forward to an exciting summer and mountains.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Afternoon Playtime

14 June - Afternoon Playtime a video by Nathan A on Flickr.
A short video from the 14th of June of the girls playing after their afternoon naps. Notice how Névé likes to constantly remind Siena just who the BIG sister is, regardless of physical size!

Monday, June 4, 2012