Thursday, June 18, 2009

We're off to Lisbon, Portugal for the weekend

We've been so busy with prepping for the wedding, work and life in general that we really haven't had much time to do any research on this place called.....Portugal. I think it's south of us, but I'm not really sure. Does anyone else ever get annoyed when someone says something like "We went down to Canada this weekend and it was great!"? DOWN? If you're in the US, it almost certainly is UP in most cases or OVER if you live in Alaska. I swear, I hear Americans at work doing this all the time and it bugs the crap out of me. The geographer in me, I suppose. But anyway, I digress. I do believe we will be going DOWN to Portugal and luckily we are meeting up with our good friends Johannes and Carla. Johannes is a British-educated German (meaning he speaks English better than I do) and Carla is his lovely trilingual British-educated Portugese wife. They met at University in England, and I met them when we all lived in the same building in Weiden. We will be leaning heavily on them for guidance on what to see, what to do, how to avoid the pickpockets that I've read so much about and most importantly, the best places to eat. And, if I'm physically feeling up to it, a good surfing beach in and around Lisbon.

So, we may not know much about this place now, but we'll assuredly be experts when we get back late Monday night. We'll make sure to take plenty of pictures, as always. Enjoy your weekend! Alegrias!

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