Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday at the Nürnberg Fruhlingsfest (Spring Festival)

Yesterday we left Parsberg fairly early, well, after a somewhat lazy morning, with the Nürnberg Fruhlingsfest as our destination.  It was sunny and warm and it definitely felt like Spring was in the air when we arrived at the parking lot for the fest.  Because these fests can get somewhat packed and somewhat crazy, especially on nice days, our plan was to get there right when it opened in order to avoid the crowds.  We didn't have much of a plan other than ambling around, checking out the sites and enjoying a little fest food for lunch - along with taking some pictures, of course. 

The festival grounds in Nürnberg are located adjacent to the NAZI documentation center, the only large structure left from Hitler's NAZI Rally Grounds, his dream for the center of the NAZI universe.  The history of the area is absolutely fascinating, especially when you come to realize the immense scope of Hitler's plans for the huge tracts of land in the area.  The area now is mainly a large park consisting of a few large lakes, the easyCredit Soccer Stadium, the Documentation Center Museum (a must see) and the Nürnberg Conference Center.  If you're interested in learning more, this is a great site with pictures from the past and present of the area:  I sat and went through these for an hour or so after we returned home yesterday.  Dawn and I have been to the Documentation Center museum but still have yet to explore, even after a few visits, the full scope of the park and grounds.  Click HERE for a google satellite view of the grounds.

We had a lot of fun yesterday but did return home early in the afternoon.  We were both beat from a long Saturday.  I should say all three of us, as Osu was quite tired himself.  I think he wore himself out at the festival trying to decipher the thousands of different smells emanating from the various food booths and tents.  His little legs just couldn't keep up with his nose which was constantly pointed at the ground, seeking out dropped pieces of pretzel or accidentally dropped chunks of bratwurst. 

Here are a few pictures from the day.



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