Monday, December 5, 2011

Week 31 - Like Baby Squashes

Things have been busy around our house lately. We aren't just getting ready for the babies this week, but preparing for Nate's next step with his back and his new Mac laptop.

An update with Nate's back procedure... not surgery. He will be going in this week for an injection into the disk to help regenerate and heal the disk. This came after many visits and meetings with the doctors, but should be all he needs to start healing his back. We are looking forward to less and less back pain and more mobility.

Nate has decided to make the move to Mac for his new computer. This came just in time, as his Dell has been on its deathbed. Having a laptop has come in very handy for being able to work while unable to sit at his desk for long periods of time.

On the baby front, we have been feeling very well. The girls have been moving around more and more. My belly takes one a few different shapes and gets large lumps off the sides. It is pretty amusing, they keep us laughing. They are supposed to be the size of squash this week, so somewhere around 2.5lbs each.

We have been washing the clothes now and putting the last things away. I am working on a blanket that will go on the floor under their play fence. I am not embarrassed to say our kids will be in a fence, or the 'baby cage,' as I like to call it.

We'll post the new pictures as soon as Nate's Photoshop for the Mac comes in.  *Nate decided he didn't want to wait for Photoshop.  Adobe is taking way too long to get it here.

Taking our Christmas Photo

Osu and Dawn in front of the Christmas Tree

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